Works > Son dementes cuerdas

Son dementes cuerdas

Son (the Cuban Dance) of Demented Strings, or They are of Sound Mind
Written in:
guitar and string quartet
Commisioned by

Commissioned by Josef White quartet with funds provided by FONCA in Mexico.


Premiered on Friday 4th March 2017 by Eliot Fisk, guitar, Arditti Quartet at the Library of Congress, Washington.

Programme Note

Son dementes cuerdas, explores the possibilities of dialogue of contrasting ideas between the guitar and the string quartet.  Sometimes these possibilities melt into one another, sometimes they are enhanced by the contrast between them.The title makes reference to all the musical options that are explored in the work by having multiple meanings: it can be read as: They are demented strings, or it can be read as Son (is the Spanish word for a popular genre of music and dance originating in Cuba) of demented strings, or They are of sound mind or even Son of sound minds.